Information Collection
RSUPPORT takes the issue of privacy extremely seriously. Not only is privacy and trust central issues to the internet, but it is also the base of our business. We have implemented a series of measures to ensure that the identity of visitors to our site is kept anonymous.
RSUPPORT is ever looking for ways to improve the website experience and maintain its integrity. To this end, IP addresses are logged and analyzed. This is standard practice among organizations of good principals. We log where you went on the site and for how long. We also log what type of operating system you are using. Absolutely none of this information is personally identifiable.
Like financial institutions, RSUPPORT uses the industry standard technology – “cookies”. They are utilized to collect data about how users use our site. Cookies are a small string of computer text code, often subject to a number of misconceptions, mostly based on the erroneous notion that they are computer programs. In fact, cookies are simple pieces of data unable to perform any operation by themselves. In particular, they are neither spyware nor viruses, despite the detection of cookies from certain sites by some anti-spyware products. All browsers have option for the user to decide whether or not to restrict or allow cookies from any site. RSUPPORT uses cookies to enhance visitor’s experience. They can be used to securely store a user’s ID, password, personalized home page, and tell designers which part of the site is the most popular.
Information Use
There are sections in the RSUPPORT website that may request voluntary information about you, such as your e-mail address. This is often for the purposes of future correspondence, trial software, contest opportunities, new product registration or online surveys.
The personal information that you supply to RSUPPORT will be used for the future development of better products and services or to inform you about new products, service and offers of interest. At no point will your information be sold or distributed without your knowledge.
Discontinuing E-mail Correspondence
Most RSUPPORT website visitors come with the intent of learning more about our company and products. After users provide their e-mail addresses, most are pleased to receive e-mail offers and newsletters about our company. On the other hand, RSUPPORT recognizes the need for choice and privacy. At any point after receiving an e-mail, you can scroll to the bottom of the screen to request that we discontinue sending you offers and newsletters. Please allow for 5 business days to process your request.
Although children under 18 can view our website, RSUPPORT in no way requests or processes information from minors. No information should be posted or submitted by anyone under 18 without the consent of their parent or guardian.
RSUPPORT’s privacy statement is subject to change at any time and without notice.